Just mark on your calendar a specific day and time, and do it every week. 这只需你在日历上标出特定的一天,每周执行一次。
The easy production of a Release Calendar through Rational ClearQuest by querying the Release Record provides a single view of the releases scheduled for a given time frame ( day, week, month, year). 这个简单的发布日历产品透过RationalClearQuest通过查询发布记录的特定时间(天,星期,月,年),来提供一个单独的预定发布视图。
Dont wait until you roll out of bed on Monday to take a look at your calendar. Spend time on Sunday planning for whats to come the next day and even in the week ahead. 不要等到周一从床上爬起来时才去看日历。周日拿出一些时间为周一甚至下周的事情做一下计划。
Make a note in your calendar every time you work out, and add up your workout sessions at the end of each week, month and year so you can monitor your progress and identify areas for improvement. 每次运动后在你的日历上记录一下,然后在每周统计一下你的运动总量,月复一月、年复一年,你就可以掌握自己整体的运动进度,并判断出需要提高的地方。
While looking at your calendar for the upcoming week, have a pad of paper handy so you can write down notes on tasks, assignments, chores, time for yourself, and time for your spouse. 当你在看接下来一周的日历时,手边放一叠纸,这样你可以记下工作、任务、琐事、给自己的时间以及给爱人的时间。
I suggest that you print out your calendar and have it visible throughout the week. 我建议你把日历打出来,让自己一周都能看到它。
While the regular calendar of gilts auctions shows sales of government securities nearly every week, and sometimes more than once a week, there are none scheduled for the period between July 19 and August 16. 根据英国国债拍卖的常规日程,几乎每周都会有国债发售活动,有时甚至一周不止一次。但在7月19日到8月16日这段期间,却没有安排任何拍卖活动。
The biggest holiday on the Chinese calendar, the New Year facilitates a full-country shutdown for a week every February. 作为中国农历最盛大的节日,春季的到来会让全国在每年2月份左右放假一周。
You can make up a calendar and mark off the week as you achieve your weekly goal. 可以创建日历,每周实现了目标,就将这一周划去。
The first two digits indicate the calendar week, and the following digits indicate the year of manufacture. 前两位表示日历星期,后两位表示制造年份。
From the calendar, you can see about the date and week. 打开日历可查询到日期,星期。
Under calendar work week, in the end time box, click a time when you want to end your calendar day. 在“工作日”下的“结束时间”框中,单击您希望工作日结束的时间。
In this project calendar, every day of the week is a working day. 在此项目日历中,一周的每一天都是工作日。
Look at the calendar. I say numbers you say the days of the week. 教师指日历中的数字,学生快速说出与之相对应的星期。
"Days" means calendar days, including all seven days of the week; “日”是指日历日,包括每周的七日。
Perpetual calendar with month, date, day of week. 万年历,带月份,日期与星期。
Seven consecutive days beginning on Sunday and ending on saturday, except in at least one state where seven consecutive days beginning Monday and ending Sunday is considered the calendar week. 连续七天,从星期天开始到星期六结束。至少一个州的情况不同,它们的日历周是从星期一开始到星期天结束。
By default, this is the standard project calendar, which specifies a40-hour work week. 默认情况下,资源日历为“标准”项目日历,即指定40小时工作周。
Multiple view options enable users to view their calendar by using week, work week, or single day views. 通过多视图选项,用户可利用周、工作周或单个天视图查看其日历。
When you print an outlook calendar, especially in a week or month view, some text might be truncated. 打印outlook日历时,一些文本可能会被截断,这种情况在周视图或月视图中尤其严重。
The system software includes: main program, interrupt program and the programmed algorithm about calendar of basic time, total days, week, the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar. 系统软件包括主程序和中断模块,基本时间、总天数、星期、公历、阴历等日历算法模块。
Calendar effects are phenomena that excess returns associate with the specific trading date in securities market, which include day of the week effects, month of the year effects. 日历效应(calendareffects)是指证券市场出现的在某一特定时间进行交易可以获得超额收益率的现象,主要包括星期效应和月份效应。
In recent years, scholars researched the stock markets and successively found many market visions that the standard finance theory can not explain, calendar effect of week is one of market visions. 近年来,国内外学者通过对股票市场的研究陆续发现了许多标准金融理论无法解释的市场异象,周内效应便是其中一种。
Calendar effects include week effect, month effect, monthly rotation effect and holiday effect. 日历效应包含周内效应、月份效应、月度轮换效应、节假日效应等。
Scholars have done a large number of empirical study on calendar effect of week, and attempt to explain this phenomenon. 对此,国内外学者进行了大量的实证研究,并试图解释这一现象。
At present, scholars have found calendar effect of week in Chinese stock market. 就国内情况而言,我国股票市场也存在周内效应。